Position paper

EU institutions and policies after the EP 2024 elections: How to advance in the Western Balkans accession?

The EP 2024 elections hold significant implications for the Western Balkans, a region whose political and economic stability is closely entwined with European integration. The new composition of the EU Parliament will lead to changes within the political dynamics of its structures, including the appointment of the next European Commission. Thus, countries of the Western Balkans are attentively observing the shifts in policies and priorities that could influence their accession prospects, regional cooperation and stability, and reform agendas. This election cycle could either invigorate the enlargement process or introduce new challenges, making it imperative to explore the possible impacts and strategic responses for the Western Balkans in this evolving context.

More about the Western Balkans Strategy Group.

Product details
Date of Publication
June 2024
Number of Pages
Language of publication