Why the European Green Deal needs ecofeminism.png

Why the European Green Deal needs ecofeminism

Moving from gender-blind to gender-transformative environmental policies

This report maps the gender gaps and opportunities in the EU’s flagship European Green Deal. It explores how, though gender issues affect environmental policies and vice-versa, they are not integrated into the European Green Deal. This publication also provides recommendations on how to move from gender-blind to gender-transformative environmental policies. These include intersectional and gender equal environmental objectives, moving towards a feminist economy of well-being and care and ensuring the use of gender mainstreaming methodologies in environmental policies.

This report was produced by the European Environmental Bureau (EEB) in collaboration with Women Engage for a Common Future (WECF), with contributions from ActionAid, BalckEarthKollectiv,  DOOR, Ecolise, Equinox, ESF, FOCUS, GenderCC, Geres, the Global Women’s Network for the Energy Transition, Heinrich-Böll Stiftung, IEEP, IREC, IRENA, MilieuKontakt, Newcastle University, Sogesca, Universitat Autonoma Barcelona, Youth Environment Europe and  Wide+.

Product details
Date of Publication
July 2021
European Environmental Bureau (EEB) in collaboration with Women Engage for a Common Future (WECF)
Number of Pages
Language of publication