Shaping the Future of Multilateralism - Mohamed Adow_FINAL.png

Shaping the Future of Multilateralism - Mobilizing resources urgently for climate action: overcoming longstanding challenges and learning from Covid-19

This study is part of the series "Shaping the Future of Multilateralism - Inclusive Pathways to a Just and Crisis-Resilient Global Order" by the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung's European Union and Washington, DC offices.


The Covid-19 pandemic has shown that countries can marshal significant resources quickly and at scale in an emergency. The climate crisis requires no less. First and foremost, that means resolving longstanding issues of climate finance -- definitional disputes, access to financing, the obstacle of indebtedness, and underneath them all, trust that rich nations will deliver on their outstanding and new climate finance commitments. Only then can the international system ensure that the poorest and most vulnerable people, communities, and countries can make the necessary changes the whole world needs.

Product details
Date of Publication
May 2021
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Washington, DC and Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung European Union
Number of Pages
Language of publication
Table of contents

Mobilizing resources urgently for climate action overcoming longstanding challenges and learning from Covid-19

Clarifying global climate finance terms and approaches

Restoring trust by delivering on longstanding US$100 billion commitment

Access to finance

Debt-for-climate swaps


Reference list