
Multilateralism 2.0

In Search of New Partnerships for the German and European Foreign Policy

Multilateral affairs dominated last year's German foreign policy calendar, starting from Berlin's membership in the United Nations (UN) Security Council to the establishment of an «Alliance for Multilateralism» at the UN in September 2019. For many observers, the Alliance for Multilateralism was a déjà vu and reminded them of the first Security Strate­gy of the European Union (EU), issued in 2003. In both instances, the rules-based order was under attack, but the crisis of multilateralism was now not just due to an irresponsible US leader­ship in the White House, but could also be ascribed to China's and Russia's nonchalance and cynicism with respect to international principles, rules, and norms – be it in the field of security, trade or climate policy.

So it’s time to revolve around a new debate on multilateralism and to upgrade this discussion, to make it greener and more global.

This reader provides some snapshots of the major topics in terms of a new multilateralism the Heinrich Böll Foundation addressed at the 20th Annual Foreign Policy Conference, which took place on 30–31 January 2020 in Berlin.

Product details
Date of Publication
March 2020
Number of Pages
Language of publication
Table of contents


Part I - Framing the Debate

  • Germany in Search of New Global Partners  - Ulrich Speck
  • Mind the Gap: Pitfalls of Multilateralism - Hanns W. Maull

Part II - Looking around: Country Perspectives

  • Of Engineers and Visionaries: Germany and France as Partners for Saving the Multilateral Order - Ronja Scheler
  • The Building Blocks of a Progressive Transatlantic Vision - Rachel Rizzo
  • Redirecting Multilateralism: Will India Seize the Opportunity? - Karthik Nachiappan
  • South Africa's Successes in Forming Alliances for Multilateralism in the United Nations Security Council - Sithembile Mbete

Part III - Zooming in: Policy Issues

  • Reforming the World Trade Organization - Amrita Narlikar
  • Cooperation Between European Small Navies in the Black Sea: Potential for Alternative Naval Operations - Deborah Sanders
  • Germany's Partners in International Climate Policy Governance - Susanne Dröge
  • Climate Change and Environment Politics in Times of Transition - Izabella Teixeira

List of Authors