This short documentary tells the story of women fighting for reproductive justice in El Salvador, where abortion is illegal under any circumstances.
The short documentary "Reproductive Rights in El Salvador" tells the story of women fighting for reproductive justice in El Salvador. It was produced by David von Blohn and Julia Noemy Gavarrete Pineda. The documentary includes scenes from the series "Blanca-Oscura - Negativa", which is being produced in El Salvador. You can find more information about the series here.
Reproductive Rights in El Salvador - Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung
Watch on YouTubeA film by Julia Gavarrete and David von Blohn
Editing by Paula Jimenez and David von Blohn
In Cooperation with CFFP - Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy
About the producers:
David von Blohn is a visual storyteller, focused on producing short and web documentaries with cinematic narratives. He has collaborated with media outlets around the world, including Al Jazeera, National Geographic and MSNBC as well as with international organisations, incuding the United Nations Development Programme. His work centres on women’s and queer people's rights, indigenous peoples, environment, and migration. He is based in Mexico City.
Julia Gavarrete is a freelance journalist specialized in political issues, violence and its impact on children and vulnerable communities. Over the last years, she has regularly been part of political and social sections of Salvadoran newspapers and since 2015 she has been supporting investigations carried out by foreign media like CNN, The New Yorker, The Guardian, The Intercept, USA Today, AlJazeera and Univision Noticias. Julia is based in San Salvador.
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