Anne Lauenroth
Fellow and co-founder of the Brussels Office of the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP)

Anne Lauenroth, Dipl.Pol., Fellow and co-founder of the Brussels Office of the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), focuses on EU external action, international economics and EU institutions of which especially the European Parliament. She is a PhD candidate in Political Science on “How the EP adapts to globalisation processes in the areas of international trade and finance”. Previously, she worked for the international research network Trans European Policy Studies Association (TEPSA), Brussels, the Berlin think tank Institut für Europäische Politik (IEP), MEP Milan Horacek and German MP Dr. Sigrid Skarpelis-Sperk, Berlin. Recent publications include “Between Apathy and Anger: Challenges to the Union from the 2014 Elections to the European Parliament" (2014, with Sonia Piedrafita) and on the co-operation of the Polish Presidency with the HR/VP and the EEAS “Playing the service provider, gaining in trust. Institutional aspects of the Polish Council Presidency” (2014, with Nicolai von Ondarza).