From the German Energy Transition to EnergyTransition@EU

From the GermanEnergyTransition in the European Context to EnergyTransition@EU
This web dossier is dedicated to the project “EnergyTransition@EU” (formerly: GET@EU), a cooperation of the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung (hbs) offices in Brussels, Prague, Warsaw and Berlin. It brings together opinion leaders, legislators, and policy experts to discuss and reflect upon the German “Energiewende“ and, more globally, the European Energy Transition in the European Context.
The main goals of the project are:
- Communicating challenges and opportunities of the Energiewende
- Strengthening a mutual, solution-oriented dialog on the impacts on other EU Member States
- Promoting visions for a European Energy Transition.
The diversity of policy instruments concerns and visions how to include Renewable Energies in the future energy market differ between the Member States. At the moment the energy transition in France and energy laws in Great Britain are being discussed with different levels of commitment. Member States from Middle and East European countries, like Poland and the Czech Republic, have also their own perspectives on risks and challenges of Renewables. There is no doubt that enhanced European cooperation and coordination is needed in order to make the energy transition a success for Europe as a whole.
This web dossier will be continuously updated with news, event announcements and opinion articles on specificities of the Energy Transitions in Europe. For further questions please contact Kathrin Glastra.
These web dossier articles are part of a cooperation between the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung and the Green European Foundation. This project aims at strengthening the dialogue on the impacts of the German “Energiewende” on other European states and to develop and promote new common visions for the construction of a European energy transition.
The featured articles by authors from the EU Member States allow getting a better understanding of what is at stake in the national energy transition debates taking place all over Europe right now.
The views expressed in this article are those of the authors’ alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung and the Green European Foundation.
With financial support of the European Parliament.
EnergyTransition @ BÖLL
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung European Union
Kathrin Glastra
Liaison Energy Transition Western Europe
Deputy Director Climate and Energy Programme
Tel. +32-2-743 41 04
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Warsaw
Lidia Dąbrowska
Project Coordinator Energy and Climate
Tel. +48-22-44 01 335
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Prague
Šádí Shanaáh
Programme Coordinator
Tel. +420-22-4 930 177
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Berlin
Dr Stefanie Groll
Programme Ecology and Sustainability
Tel. +49-30-28 53 42 38
What is the German Energiewende?
Germany has drawn a lot of international attention for its aim to switch to a renewable energy economy and leave nuclear and fossil energy behind. A lot of the international reporting about the German Energy Transition, or Energiewende, has, however, been misleading -- for instance, when it comes to the role of coal power, energy price trends, and carbon emissions.
ERENE - European Community for Renewable Energy
Europe can cover all its electricity needs using renewable sources of energy. However, to optimally exploit the existing potential it requires new instruments and strategies. A European Community for Renewable Energy (ERENE) will reduce Europes dependency on fossil and nuclear energy sources and strengthen European integration.