Democracy & Human Rights

Germany, Land of Immigration

Published: 18 December 2018
Report from the Commission "Perspectives for a Forward-Looking and Sustainable Refugee and Immigration Policy" of the Heinrich Böll Foundation with important impulses for politics and society in migration and integration. 

Feminicide: a Global Phenomenon - Feminicidio: un fenómeno global

Published: 26 October 2018
A new framework for the cooperation between the European Union and Latin America to promote gender equality and eradicate violence against women and feminicide. Nuevo marco para la cooperación entre la unión europea y américa latina para promover la igualdad de género y erradicar la violencia contra las mujeres y el feminicidio

Perspectives #14 - Minorities Beyond Ethnic and Religious Divides

Published: 22 October 2018
Put ‘Minorities in the Middle East’ into any search engine and a huge volume of articles are displayed insinuating that ethnic, tribal, family and sectarian affiliations are the only relevant factors needed to aid an understanding of the politics and societies of the Maghreb and Mashreq. Be it the often praised ‘mosaic’ of multi-ethnic and multi-religious societies, or the explanation and anticipation of actual and potential conflicts in the Middle East, that are shaped by ethnic, tribal or confessional affiliations, the reading has a flavour of exoticism and orientalism. So for this issue of Perspectives, we decided to ask authors in a broader sense about minority-majority relationships that can, but do not necessarily have to, tackle ethnic or confessional subjects.

Le Mali, cinq ans après le début de l'intervention: Une grande présence militaire moins de sécurité

Published: 12 March 2018
Le Mali était un pays classique de grands récits, des mythes du Moyen Âge au socialisme africain de la jeune république en passant par le panafricanisme des pères et des mères de l'indépendance. Le Mali est aujourd'hui dépourvu de tout récit. Cinq années d'intervention militaire internationale n'ont apporté aucune sécurité à la population malienne. Les zones d'insécurité ne cessent de s'étendre à l'intérieur du pays.

Tricky Business: Space for Civil Society in Natural Resource Struggles

Published: 8 December 2017
Governments and corporations are driving the demand for water, land and organic resources. Previously intact ecosystems are being sacrificed, thousands of people are losing their livelihoods. This study provides insights on how we can better address and monitor resource and environmental policy projects.

Feminicide: A Global Phenomenon

Published: 13 October 2017
The fifth edition of “Feminicide: A Global Phenomenon” covers topics such as feminicide in different countries, the recent call of the UN-Rapporteur and the absolute criminalization of abortion.