Anne-Cécile Mailfert

Anne-Cécile Mailfert is a French feminist activist. In 2016 she founded and since then presides La Fondation des Femmes, an organisation that aims to fund actions for women-men equality, fight against violence and for women’s rights.

Active in civil society from a young age, she was the president and spokesperson of one of the largest feminist organisation in France, Osez le féminisme!, from 2013 to May 2015. She holds a double Master's degree from SciencesPo Lille and the Universidad de Salamanca.

2015 Anne-Cécile authored «Ils ne décideront plus pour nous», a book about the 40th anniversary of the legalisation of abortion in France. Her latest publication is an essay about feminism in 2017,  «Tu seras une femme, guide féministe pour ma nièce et ses ami.e.s.».